Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Why is it...?

Why is it that the second version of a project always seems to be about 50 times harder than the first? It must be the woodworking God's way of keeping me in line. Making sure I'm not getting over-confident...

It's not that the new cutting board (go figure, I'm having trouble making a flat board!!) is coming out poorly, it's just that this one isn't going as smoothly as the first. My biggest problem, looking back on this project, is that I didn't pay as close attention to making sure that each strip was close enough in height. I've had some wicked hand planing and sanding to do over the past couple days.

After some focused work tonight, it's getting better though. Tomorrow should put me back on track.


Jenn said...

Is that why you were looking at Planer sites bright and early this morning??

darrylmasterson said...

that has a little something to do with it...

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you just run it through a thickness planer. Then you can use card scrapper to bring out the grain.

darrylmasterson said...

the planer would be a great idea... just wish I had one.
