I know it's said in woodworking groups that "without pictures, it didn't happen", but I am here to say that I actually did work on that Oak dresser that I started oh so long ago for Violet.
Something had to be done. A week or so ago while family and freinds were at the house, I mentioned the dresser I was working on. My wife piped up that I wasn't working on a dresser, I just had a pile of wood in the basement. Well the zing sounded better being there and I did truly find it funny.
I also saw the postings of
this guy's work at the
LumberJocks site. Mark is today what I would like to be as a woodworker... talented! Seriously though, Mark does have some fantastic projects that he's done and seeing those is a nice reminder that I need to get my butt in gear if I'm ever going to finish some of my own.
I appreciate the feedback on what I should enter in the LumberJocks
2006 Summer Woodworking Contest, though I still haven't made a decision on what I might like to submit. I'll make sure to post my decision here first.