Thursday, January 12, 2006

a Single Flake of Snow

Have you ever heard that saying, "A foot of snow starts with but a single flake"?

Well I'm hoping for a freaking blizzard. There seems to be a ton of interest in my pens down at the real job. As I mentioned in the comments of my last entry, I didn't even get my coat off this morning before I had sold that pen for $10.00! I had several people ask about more pens. In fact the guy that sits next to the person that bought todays pen, bought hers so that she can buy a Bird's Eye Maple pen!

I had several pen blanks ready to go when I got home from the real job tonight. At this point, I've got five new pens ready for new homes! Here's a look at today's stock:

The hard part about making these is that I've got so many options to work with! I've got almost 20 types of wood and 3 different hardware kits to choose from, that's what... 60 different combinations??


Jenn said...

I think you need to make one for Cindy. I think she'd like the 2nd from the right. Right?

foxymama said...

Dang...Jenn, no fair! The second from the right is the one that has my name written all over it. Really. I looked at that picture and said "the second one from the right's got my name on it." Then I open up the comments and find myself in the same position I'm in with my dreamhouse...out in the cold. Boo hoo. ~:^( I'm so sad. I swear I can see my name on that baby. Just as it is... I'll give you $12. That's the one I want...not one of those pregnant jobbers or the skinny-hostile-to arthritic-fingers job... ~;^)