Tuesday, November 22, 2005

you look relaxed

So I started my week long vacation today. Everyone else trotted off to work as they normally do and I rolled my butt out of bed at the crack 9:00am! Thanks Honey!

I spent the morning getting ready for and then making the big trip to the dump/recycling center. I got home just in time to see the 4 year old off to school and figured that while the littlest one was taking a nap, I could slap some paint on the Vin Rouge Project.

After picking up the 4 year old from school around 2:30, I headed down to the office to drop off an end table that my father-in-law had refinished for one of the girls and to pick up my Thanksgiving turkey that the company was handing out.

And this is the part that I found odd... not 1, but 2 people commented on how I looked much more relaxed than usual! A third person accused me of visiting Captain Morgan for lunch, but he's an idiot and that's a different story. Apparently though, this is a much needed vacation!

So here's the Vin Rouge Project update:

In this picture, the chair in the foreground has two coats and the chair in the back has one.

Both now have two.


Anonymous said...

Nice Chairs. Adirondacks are on my list too...
Regarding the clipboards. Hardwood is the way to go. Funny though Walnut and Mahagony appear not to be hard enough.

For finish, I used wipe on poly (minwax). The first board I made is holding up well after about 2-3 months of crosswords and general use. The good news is that it is easy to add finish. Just pull off the hardware

Anonymous said...

Sheesh, those look pink! They do darken up pretty good, though.