Thursday, October 20, 2005

back to work!

ok, the rain has subsided. the workshop is basically dry again. Hurricane Wilma is bearing down on Florida with a chance of coming up the East Coast. do I get my shop setup again, or wait...

honestly, it's killing me to not have my shop. I haven't been sleeping well. I can't focus at "the real job". and everything just seems to be a little off... so, back to work!

since most everything that was in the basement is now preparing for a trip to the landfill, there's plenty more room down there. I've started to setup a new area for finishing, painting/staining - that kind of thing. the lighting is a little better and there's a bit more head room over there.

I'd also like to take the opportunity to get a few other things done as well. I've got some plans for a nice portable (in case of floods) router table. I've also seen a great design of a mitre saw bench/cabinet that another woodworker had built that I'd like to modify for myself.

I do need to get those NY Adirondacks done too. I know, I know, your thinking "holy cow, I thought those would be done ages ago!" well that's not the case. and it's ok. I've talked to the lady that's getting the chairs and she reported that she's had the same flooding problems that I've had. she said another week or so is fine if I need it. I'd like to get them done though. I've got two more chairs built that I need to get painted for one of the girls at work. the nice thing is that the new "finishing" area that I mentioned earlier, has room for 3 chairs to be worked on at once!

my dungeon has expanded!


Anonymous said...

Umm..your newly expanded dungeon is encroaching on my laundry area. We know I'm a klutz with the paint, is this going to be a problem? I agree that the lighting is better over there. It should make it much easier. Let me at those paint brushes!

foxymama said...

Hmmmmn, we need a painter over here. Darryl, isn't it cool how you've "found yourself" with wood?